Another One Bites The Dust

So remember a while back I picked up a cheap “compact needle scaler” to take the undercoating off the frame of the Chevelle? About that...

After about 10 minutes of use, one of the needles fell out. I didn’t think much of it, and continued on. At ~20 minutes, it started shedding, and by the 30 minute mark, it was down to 2 remaining (of 12). Those last two really held on though, and finished the area (slowly) I was working on.

The “needles” are a very soft steel
The “needles” are a very soft steel

This went back to The Plastic Hell under warranty, and I got another one. It’s been sitting on the bench until this evening, when I took it out and started un-undercoating more of the frame. After about 10 minutes one of the needles came out. At ~20 minutes, it started shedding, and by the 30 minute mark, it was down to 2 remaining (of 12). Those last two really held on though, and finished the area (slowly) I was working on.

At least they’re consistent
At least they’re consistent

They are held in by the needle having a mushroom end, which fits into a disk inside the body of the tool. Either it’s hammering the mushroom out or the disk is failing, I am not certain but I think it’s the former. I will be taking this one back under warranty as well, and if/when #3 fails in the remarkably-consistent manner, I will probably add a blob of weld to the end of the needles to try and get them to stay in the disk.


Either that, or warranty it for a third time.