Goodbye, Old Friend

Part of the process of converting Rust into Money
Part of the process of converting Rust into Money

As of this afternoon, I am Crown Vic-less. After much trying to sell it, I finally posted it on Facebook since I guess that’s where people sell stuff these days. Within a couple days it is gone... maybe I should I have done that a couple months ago.

It left its mark
It left its mark

Thus concludes my just-over-6-years with this car and almost-7-years with a police ‘vic. We went though a lot and it was always good to me; I’m sure its parts won’t let down their new owners (it’s being parted out).


That aside, I’ve got my driveway parking spot back, though a little worse for wear. I bet the neighbors are glad it’s gone, too. Not really sure how to get all that oil and rust out of the concrete, pressure washer is probably a good start.

In other news, I still have a bunch of parts for sale if anyone’s looking for some...