614 Days

The project to replace the engine in the Chevelle and generally clean things up underhood began on the 4th of July, 2018. Today, on the 8th of March, 2020 I have declared this project complete.

Unseasonably nice day means the first sunlight on the car in a long, long time.
Unseasonably nice day means the first sunlight on the car in a long, long time.

With everything together and the initial run-in of the engine complete last weekend, the Chevelle moved today under its own power for the first time since probably late June 2018. With everything outside of the neighborhood heavily salted on Friday due to the 2% chance of six snowflakes in the air, the inaugural drive consisted of about a half mile loop through the neighborhood.

The new 383 is spunky.

The clutch needs broken in and kind of feel like it might need bled again.

It’s very good.

So in conclusion of the past 614 days (includes today), aka 1 year, 8 months, and 5 days - nothing’s easy, but things tend to work out. The car is far from done but this project/phase is complete. It still needs bodywork (rust around the rear wheels, other odds and ends), the rear end is stock with an anticipated lifespan of “the engine’s break-in period,” the seat’s torn, the carpet needs replaced, I still want a nice wood steering wheel, the whole thing needs painted, and other things I’m sure elude me. But now? Now it’s time to drive*.


*Into storage for a month... then after that it’ll be time to actually drive if the weather cooperates.