Hi Oppo

It’s been a while.

Illustration for article titled Hi Oppo

There’s a lot I could say (it’s been 6 weeks since I posted I guess), but I’ll keep it brief.

  • I’m not dead (it would be a sad error in judgement to mistake me for a corpse).

  • I am entirely unable to see or leave comments on posts here, and have been for weeks. Previously it would sometimes act up for a day and get better, but for at least a month I have not been able to see or leave comments on posts. Not sure if it’s Kinja or if I’m in trouble. From when it acted up before, the direct link from notifications would sometimes work, so I may or may not be able to see any comments on this.
  • The garage has received a new 6" of 4000psi wire-reinforced concrete, densifier, and penetrating sealant. I’m currently in the process of reassembling everything. See above picture; compare to previous post’s. I also painted while it was empty. It’s very nice.

  • I did the folding-at-home thing for a few days, but working from home in the same room meant the fan noise and heat was driving me absolutely insane, so I stopped. Hopefully it helped.
  • Remember when Oppo was about cars with the occasional off-topic? Yeah that was cool.

Until next time,
