QuickJack Disappointment & Frustration

I had anticipated posting this weekend with a picture of one of my cars up on a set of Quickjacks, enthusiastically posting “check out what I got!” - but instead here we are. Obviously, this is not the case.

(Incoming rant warning)

One of my cars, firmly on the ground
One of my cars, firmly on the ground
Photo: MM54

I placed the order last weekend, direct from their website. A major factor in this was that they offer free shipping (which is nice but I could pick one up from Summit for free+an hour of driving) and ship orders in one business day. This would get it here before the weekend without me having to make time to go pick it up (I’m still catching up from being out of town for work for two weeks). Perfect.

Monday came and went. I hadn’t heard anything, and the status on their website had not changed. “That’s fine” I said, “they might be backed up and need another day; it will still be here before the weekend.”


Then it was Tuesday, after work. Still nothing. Fortunately, even though it was after-hours here the magic of time zones meant they were still around, so I gave them a quick call to make sure there wasn’t anything wrong (that is a large dollar figure to appear and I wouldn’t be surprised if the bank said “hey wait” upon seeing it). Everything was fine on their end, and the very unenthusiastic salesperson on the phone said “It’ll go out this week” - I confirmed I had been charged the full price.

At this point, what else is there to do? So I waited.

Now it’s friday evening. Five business days after ordering - the status online hasn’t changed. The bunch of maintenance I planned to do this weekend will be postponed (except maybe an oil change on the 4runner since I can do that with it on the ground). I call them again. This time I’m on hold for a few minutes, then get passed a bit until landing on someone who will talk to me.


I’m told that everything is fine, it’s in stock, the order just hasn’t been processed yet. I can’t get any reason why. Supposedly an email is sent to the “online sales” people but it’s Friday afternoon so they might be gone. This is not fine. When I asked what the odds were that it would ship in time to arrive before next weekend, she asks “do you want to cancel the order?” which is encouraging.

My answer was “not yet.”

(I tried to find a picture of the Chevelle sitting on stacks of 2x12s and cement blocks from when I did the transmission swap but can’t find it, just use your imagination; caption “Difficult and less than max safety alternative”)


So now I have no more enthusiasm for this, the whole excitement has been spoiled and I just want an answer as to when will they be here. It’s no negligible quantity of money to just have floating around (I have bought cars for less), waiting for someone to be bothered to get the stuff off the shelf and sent out. A day or two delay is understandable, a full week is not.

End rant.