Track Weekend in the Miata

In 2018 a racetrack named Eagle’s Canyon shut down (for 18 months!!) in the Dallas area because they wanted to repave the entire track and make some changes to the layout. They reopened in September of last year and I finally got a free weekend to head out there.The track is fantastic. The surface is still pretty new and it’s been raining a ton in Dallas so there isn’t a ton of rubber laid down. Because of that, grip is lowwww. Luckily my Miata has a TON of mechanical grip (2100lb car with 225 RS4s), and I didn’t have many issues. Mustangs and Vettes were spinning out everywhere though.

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The weather was fantastic on Saturday, mid 50F and clear, slight breeze. I wanted to take the first couple sessions easy and learn the track but unfortunately, the track didn’t cooperate. After 3 turns, my instructor got carsick, and had me pull off to the side so he didn’t puke in my car. the session was red flagged since he got out of the car on a live track. I got a new instructor and took the second session to learn the track. The 3rd session was an extended session (40 minutes!) and I got so much space I set 5 laps within 0.5s of each other. Set a PB of 2:33.376.

On sunday it started raining. I was getting more and more confident on track, so in my first two sessions I was lapping within .2s of my dry PB. I ended up skipping the last extended session because my driver side front caliper started leaking. I’ll take it apart this week and see whats going on, but I suspect it needs a rebuild.