wiring is (continues to be) poop

really not much to show in the pictures, but I have the wiring loom nearly back in place in the black donor civic. exciting this perhaps isn’t, but it does represent hours of meticulous work.

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as expected, the reverse problem at this engine junction, this time I have an extra plug on the harness side not the engine side. this is of course because the VX’s harness has an extra plug for the sensors that make it a great hypermiler car, the EX engine does not have those sensors.

And of course, lowest in this image is the A/C connector plug which doesn’t connect to the A/C as the 93 and 95 have different connectors. But this is irrelevant as the A/C will be making the journey over to the red car in the end. So this plug can remain disconnected. Although I was very confused as to why the seemingly correct plug did not connect as expected.

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on the interior it’s downgrade city. the VX’s harness is mostly in the EX, along with non-A/C HVAC components, wiring that loses cruise control/power locks and windows/etc. The steering column (that will be next to get attached) has no adjustment.


The two conundrums are that the stock speaker wiring has been severed in favour of (what is now long gone) aftermarket runs. So I’ll have to run something for at least some door speakers. And, there is wiring from sunroof down to the driver’s footwell for the sunroof, but there is no connection to the fuse box or any way to control it. I suspect I will just manually close it and consider that a lost feature.

But why monkee?

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a reminder of the plan:

I am swapping all the good components from an EX model Civic coupe (the black car) into a VX model Civic hatchback (the red car) because I like the look of a hatchback but wanted some basic features and a slightly better engine.


BUT! in order to make my spare parts more salable, I’m in turn putting all the VX components into the EX, and intend to sell it as a running driving (very crappy) car.