make a bad ad, I make a bad offer (update)

the poorly written ad in question:

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Having observed some general badness, I attempted to acquire a bargain using my english teacher red pen

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hmm, no reply, so I reiterate my interest, only to be met with a harsh response. time to throw actual values down

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no reply... so I mention cash. everyone loves cash. and enticing photo of that cash to boot!

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ya know, I don’t think he was convinced, but at least now we’re bartering, back and forth, I’m sure an agreement is imminent

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ok, I think we’ve got some interest.... but I dont have QUITE that much cash

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ok, ok, yes, inters ted in a trade, lets do this thing!

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that’s not a no, that’s interest. let’s reel him in with the Corolla’s features

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I don’t think he’s listening. Typing in all caps is probably helping. I’M HELPING

but, caps or not, he stopped replying. ugh! I wanna make a deal!!!

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ok, so not impressed with the Corolla’s well documented long life and reliability, guess it’s back to cash negotiations

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ok, I think he’s playing hardball now, he’s sticking pretty solid at $6900. But is that a fair price? what does the internet have to say about it?

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ooookay... not accepting the industry standard KBB, has this guy never sold a car before!?

Illustration for article titled make a bad ad, I make a bad offer (update)

ok, missed the irony on “breaks”, and we’re not getting anywhere with direct money negotiations. Let’s just get to know each other a little better

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getting to know each other went well, we both enjoyed a sensible chuckle, let’s get down to business (to defeaaaaat the huuuuuns)

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ya know, I think I’m getting somewhere, we’ve worked our way down from $8000 to $6600. I think this is proof my method works!


no joy with the xbox, maybe I can get a few coins off if the wheels are cheap

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