oops, all hoists

so I shared on my FB page (and here on the oppos) this sad pic of my engine that a FB buyer ghosted me on


to which oppo alumni Denver (who as his name suggests lives nearby) inquired “can I borrow your hoist?”

sadly, that aint my hoist. I too was borrowing it. but as luck would have it, I needed an engine stand, and a local CL seller had a hoist AND a stand for $100! bargain!

So I drove across town and picked up a new hoist and engine stand, then drove further across town to meet Denver and play with his v8


As I understand it, its a 305 from a 90s Ford Bronco, that will eventually find a home in his Ford Ranger. We needed a hoist to get it onto his engine stand, so tear down could begin.


And begin it did. I abandoned him at 8:30 to tend to my need for cheeseburgers, and by 10 that night it was so teeny tiny without all the heads and massive accessories on it


of course, how could he have failed to be productive when he had some bangin’ tunes


His single car garage is a bit of an Aladdin’s cave of parts and projects (and cassette tapes). I believe an upcoming scrap run now that some parts are off of the engine will be clearing some space for the real work of engine rebuilding to begin.


I returned home now an engine hoist and an engine stand richer (and with a vague understanding of 90s ford v8 secondary air and weird emissions nonsense)


my own garage only has the appearance of order because I’ve stolen the wife’s parking spot. off to the right is my own pile of shame.

The other side looked like this a month ago, but I have since taken in the wayward parts of a friends Impreza STI swap and the pile of shame has grown.


substantially... all cars without wheels gather things on them.


but the civic engine has been paid for by a non-flakey buyer now, who will return on the weekend with a truck. His FB profile divulges secrets of a CRX based rally team! NEAT!

Those used tyres are sold to a drift enthusiast I believe who seeks cheap rubber for practice.

I’ve sold some motorcycle parts that had come by way, and been rid of a set of Golf taillights, and three computers, and... and... I’ve completely given up on garage sales. FB/CL gets everything listed even if its just $5 worth, because you just never know. I’ve saved a lot of things from going in the garbage (or at least MY garbage) this way.

I do now feel a little like I’ve got things re-organized and some stuff cleared out. Eager to get back to hobbying.


And with the existence of my own engine stand I too can begin a long awaited tear down and rebuild of my new engine and get my own project back on track.