The Failstar

I believe it was nibby, who asked a while ago for me to post my parents minivan/totally-not-a-driveway-ornament.

Illustration for article titled The Failstar
Illustration for article titled The Failstar
Illustration for article titled The Failstar
Illustration for article titled The Failstar
Illustration for article titled The Failstar

The failstar is a much beloved family hauler, which has seen far better days of roadtrips and school runs. The days of having the backseat entirely to myself so that I could lay down (which was probably a horrible idea) on the drive down to Orlando give me the warm and fuzzies.

What doesnt give me the warm and fuzzies is the feeling of driving this turd. Although, it is remarkably better than the dodge caravan we had before this. The v6 gives acceptable performance. The suspension wallows and dives into corners in a rather disconcerting fashion. Pedal feel is comparable to a power wheels toy, or maybe a club car. Not the best thing to learn to drive in.


The fail star, while reliable in its heyday, has suffered greatly from the ravages of time, and has a dizzying array of recalls and common failure points.

Illustration for article titled The Failstar
Illustration for article titled The Failstar
Illustration for article titled The Failstar
Illustration for article titled The Failstar
Illustration for article titled The Failstar

Most of these are related to rust. Both the front subframe and rear axles are prone to it. In this case, my father went through the effort of replacing the front subframe, but his repair of the under floor support is... questionable to say the least. The car currently sits, as my dad is notorious for letting projects go by the wayside. It still moves just fine, although the ABS is quite dicey (another common fault). The hope is that it can be patched up just enough to be traded in on a new vehicle. Its a shame, as mechanically it is mostly intact.