Things I Saw Pt. 2

This is another run I did in training for ultra-marathon. This one was 42km, regular marathon distance. First time I’ve done more than 26km. Travelled from work in Collingwood to Templestowe and back. It was just a run after work, so it turned from day to night. Got home after 10pm haha.

Difficult to see but this paddock is swarming with roos. This is when I realized I was pretty far from the city.
Difficult to see but this paddock is swarming with roos. This is when I realized I was pretty far from the city.
A wombat! I’ve done a lot of camping lately, but not seen a wombat in years and years. Roos are everywhere, echidnas and koalas are rare, but wombats are rarer still. Platypus too.
A wombat! I’ve done a lot of camping lately, but not seen a wombat in years and years. Roos are everywhere, echidnas and koalas are rare, but wombats are rarer still. Platypus too.
Illustration for article titled Things I Saw Pt. 2
Rabbits! I rarely see rabbits
Rabbits! I rarely see rabbits
Illustration for article titled Things I Saw Pt. 2
Look closely: smoke. Bushfires? No, a very turbo’d VL did a huge skid out of that petrol station
Look closely: smoke. Bushfires? No, a very turbo’d VL did a huge skid out of that petrol station
Sunset over the city. Not close.
Sunset over the city. Not close.
More city. Was proper dark before I got home
More city. Was proper dark before I got home