We need to get Amy Macdonald on Oppo

I’m lucky enough to spend a lot of time in Scotland. I may be there again as soon as next month. It’s one of the few places I’ve been that has driving roads to rival California. It also happens to be home to Amy Macdonald. As if there weren’t already enough reasons to have huge respect for Amy Macdonald, this! She’s a Ford GT owner and basically the young, cool, musical version of a budding Jay Leno.


Amy Macdonald: I’ve never even driven a Ford before, but I got swept up in the hullabaloo. Every magazine, every website, anybody with any interest in cars, they were all totally excited about the Ford GT. So I thought I’d apply, never in a million years expecting to get one. I’m pretty much an accidental Ford GT owner.

TG: So, two Ferraris and a Ford GT… have you got room for them all?

AM: I was planning to keep the Speciale, but the last time you and I spoke you told me to definitely hang onto it, and that tipped it. My mother was very much of the mind, who needs two Ferraris? But I could sell the Speciale for what I paid for it, and I’ve driven it a fair bit. She’s always worried that I’ll bankrupt myself over cars, but I told her it would be funny if the things that ended up sorting me for life were the Ferraris. ‘I’d be happy,’ she said. ‘Irritated, but happy.’ I’ve definitely turned into someone who’d like to put together a big collection of cars. I was thinking, how good would the GT look alongside two Ferraris?


Unfortunately, gents, she’s married to a footballer. Try not to hold that against her. She’s still one of us and has an open invitation to run the A82 past Loch Lomond with me any day.