More 3D Parts Ordered!

Last night I discovered that the lights I bought didn’t have integrated turn signals so I had to figure something out. I decided to order some 4x2 inch LEDs and mount them just under the lights. That mean’t I also had to design the mount. Yay - more 3D printing fun.

I figured it would be a good idea to mount it in the same spot as the headlight.

Illustration for article titled More 3D Parts Ordered!
Illustration for article titled More 3D Parts Ordered!
Photo: This is the clamp that holds my light - the side marker assembly will sandwich directly between flat top and the light (with the light’s post going through the middle).

I founds some cool truck lights. These will work!

Illustration for article titled More 3D Parts Ordered!

The lights are 4 inches by 2 inches. They will mount fine on the front. I also have some little 18mm LEDs that I’ll mount on the side.

Illustration for article titled More 3D Parts Ordered!
Illustration for article titled More 3D Parts Ordered!

If you want to the assemblies out in 3D, click here:


I may need to trim the inside plastic support to clear the existing clamp geometry, but that’s fine.