72 Hours of Suck.

This weekend is going to be the kind of weekend where I lock myself in the garage and do lots of automotive meditation and try to find my zen again.


I’m what I would say is 48 hours into 72 hours of suck. Yesterday our CEO did an Elon Musk impression on Twitter - essentially shouting fake news at a journalist & attacking a competitor. I had to engage damage control protocols. Then today, the executive team decided to let go an employee who is an indirect report. Mainly a financial decision and partly a social decision that wasn’t really the fault of the person who was let go. I’m a bit annoyed about losing resources without so much as a heads up. Of course I then had to keep my whole team motivated today as they wondered what the heck was happening. Another employee followed me out to my car to ask what was going on. They sprung an 8:30am meeting on my calendar for tomorrow so I’m really just waiting for the next shoe to drop. Something tells me that it’s not a meeting to plan a company-wide track day with pizza and ice cream.

I’m also on the clock when it comes to the Exocet. My CA temp registration ends at the end of the month and I need to swap the differential this weekend so I finish the registration process. More on that later - there’s video.


Also - screw Kinja. It’s terrible tonight.