People are insane. Mild Politics.

Buffer photo. Actually, not really much buffing. Just a clay bar and hybrid ceramic spray wax today.

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Twice in 2 days I’ve come across people from the far left who simply get to a point in a discussion where they can no longer accept facts and they just kind of twitch out because their sense of logic can’t reconcile the data in front of them with their world view.

Instance 1: “See. Your president is a damn Nazi. Do you read people? My Jewish people who actually vote for this monster, do you read these articles or is Fox for you? Do not support this trash antisemite, racist.”


If the above quote is your world view, then the image below is a Nazi dog whistle.

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Here’s the problem: Occam’s Razor. Read the ad. It’s an arrow pointing you down from the Call to Action to the CTA box at the bottom of the Facebook ad.

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Also, it IS an emoji. It’s available on IOS.

Now, you could believe that “Ahah! But that’s there’s a DOUBLE MEANING!”. But let me ask you this question: Are they a bunch of dumb fucks or are they brilliant Nazi masterminds? Because they can’t really be both. Now consider that you’re reading a post that was clearly written by a social media intern or a contractor at an outside agency. Again, Occam’s Razor. Probably just a shitty post.


When we get here, this is the reaction:

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So I guess critical thinking supports Trump. Which makes me a Trump supporter (I didn’t vote for him, probably won’t this time either, and would much rather see Vermin Supreme 2020).

Instance 2: The number of people who took this to mean “the president thinks we should stop testing” is astounding.

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Krista here got close but she too failed at the last moment to grasp what the president was saying. Very close, Krista. SO CLOSE.

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This is the actual quote:

Again, our testing is so far advanced. It’s so much bigger and better than any other country, that we’re going to have more cases. We’re always going to have more cases. And as I said this morning, that’s probably the downside of having good testing is you find a lot of cases that other countries, who don’t even test, don’t have. If you don’t test, you don’t have any cases. If we stopped testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any.


Now here’s the thing: He did misspeak. He should have said “reported cases” and not just cases. But if these people can decipher Joe Biden, then they shouldave no problem figuring out the meaning of that quote.

But never let facts get in the way of a good argument.

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Terrible, huh? I mean, per capita we’re 13th out of more than 140 countries.

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I guess if you’re annoyed that we’re getting beat in that statistic by some smaller countries, that could confirm you one way or another.

Illustration for article titled People are insane. Mild Politics.

But the US is the 3rd most populous country in the world. So what does that look like in terms of raw numbers? (Final column is total tests)

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It looks like “It’s so much bigger and better than any other country”. But this is the “what color is that dress problem”. If you’re predisposed one way or another and you spend all your time on Facebook / NPR, then it’s easy to think that we’re really far behind and are doing a shit job at everything.

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So what of Henry and Jackie? When faced with spreadsheets, statistics, and a serious challenge to defend their world view, they give up. Unable to marry the data with view of the world.

If you want to change my mind, I’m open to it. Bring data and logic, not an article from NPR and quotes from Facebook executive.