Looking for interest in trying out Medium (Kiss Kinja Goodbye)

I’ve put together a test publication on Medium. If you’d like to give it a try, leave your medium username as a comment on this post or as a comment on the first Medium post.

I had been working on a Wordpress version for a while, but I’d like to give Medium a try. It has a lot of the social features of Kinja and a similar layout of the base page. However, it doesn’t complain about pictures. I’m not going to pretend to have all the answers since I’m new to the platform as well, but it seems decent.


This post contains some images without proper rights.


Having said all of this, Medium has some rules and I added a couple. It’s worthy of discussion but something we realized on the Oppo Discord is that politics are a rat hole. Thing got way better when we put them in The Cigar Lounge and kept them out of the normal channel.

Gif: Me & Paul and Autokennel