Nice Car Guy Loses Home To Wildfire

This isn’t a post I’d usually make, but having just watched Rebuilding Paradise the other night, I can’t help but think about what folks are going through right now in Scotts Valley and Boulder Creek.

If you’re familiar with Radwood, Blaise is the brother of Lane Skelton - one of the Radwood founders and founder of Driving While Awesome. He lost his house and all his belongings to the wildfire in Boulder Creek. Word is that Blaise’s 2 cars (Mk1 GTI and 944) didn’t make it out.

Illustration for article titled Nice Car Guy Loses Home To Wildfire
Photo: Blaise Skelton

If anyone wants some cool socks or automotive livery mask, Eric at Striipedesign is donating 25% to Blaise with code HELP4BLAISE - I can also vouch for the socks (I have 2 pair, just ordered 3 more).


If you’d like to donate directly, click here:


I don’t know Blaise well, but no one has had anything bad to say about a Skelton in a long time.