So I just want to post an update on what's been happening in my life

I know we're trying to keep Oppo more auto-focused now and that CL is where most people want to keep the personal stuff (I'll also share there, even though I'm not entirely sold on how well received personal posts would be over there) but I know there were a few people following who don't necessarily go to CL, so I'll post it here, but I'll try to keep personal stuff on CL from now on. Anyway here's an X6 for your troubles.

Illustration for article titled So I just want to post an update on whats been happening in my life

The first thing is that things between my mom and I have gotten back to normal which is as good as it gets. It took about a week for her to finally calm down but things have been good between us since. One day she'd tease me about calling the cops or being abused but then she apologized, and as far as I'm concerned that's a clear sign that at least things are good for now.

Other than that I'm not sure what to say that'd be particularly relevant. I've got a slew of problems that I've written about before but I gotta sort those out on my own I guess, and at least I'm making small steps towards fixing those. My sleep schedule since hasn't been good, crashing in the middle of the day and such, but I guess there's not much I can do with that.


Anyway I just want to thank a bunch of you for helping me out or at least lending a sympathetic ear. Overwhelmingly you guys were helpful, and the number of less-than-helpful replies I can count on a single hand. I think you guys are great.