Model 3 Did a Thing

Model 3, in a rare moment of good behavior.
Model 3, in a rare moment of good behavior.
Photo: NotUnlessRoundIsFunny

My Model 3 is a nightmare of bugs, failures, and lousy service, but this week it did something obscure and cool.


Our Fair City decided they needed the car moved by the next day so they could work on the street. Only problem was, I was out of town and wouldn’t be back in time. And no one else had a “key.”

So: I called a fine car-loving neighbor. Used the Tesla app to unlock and turn on the car for him. He drove it out of the way, and problem solved. Good neighbor + app = solution.


Fun to see this in action. Won’t be long before most cars can do this and more, but I was glad this worked. (Unlike so many other parts of the car.)