Potentially crazy idea, oppopinions requested (update: reflection)

Looking at adding a 2004 Golf TDI as a daily. Insofar as upkeep, what am I looking at? How expensive are these to maintain? Obviously it’s 14 years old, so there’s gonna be some major stuff coming up; what should I be on the lookout for? The one I’m thinking of needs front-end work, but the guy who owns it knows exactly what to do and where ti get it all, he just hasn’t had the time to do the work.

A rally Golf (not the one I’d be buying) for your time:

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Update: Thank you all for your experience and input. My takeaway here is that, for my intended purposes, the Golf could probably be more headache than i want to deal with. My intent it to have a daily driver that gets better fuel economy than my current rig, and for what it would take to upkeep a MkVI, i could get a Civic of similar vintage, get similar gas mileage, and spend less on maintenance. Might be looking that route instead. Thanks for your help, y'all!