Europpomeet 2019 Accommodation

Illustration for article titled Europpomeet 2019 Accommodation

Now that europpomeet is fast approaching (in less than three months!) we need to start making bookings for group accommodation. We’re planning to approach it the same way as the last few, where we booked one major hub for the majority to stay, while those who preferred a more peaceful evening arranged their own hotels. Some may also choose to stay in smaller numbers, meet attendees have booked smaller places for just 2 or 3 people in the past.


The basic schedule is 4 nights; Monday and Tuesday in one location, Wednesday and Thursday in another. If you need to stay additional days (Sunday and Friday for example) there will likely be others willing to share. The locations are still up for debate, but La Bresse, France is being discussed for Monday, Tuesday and St Claude for Wednesday Thursday.

To ensure we have plenty of time to get somewhere suitable and well priced, we want to have full numbers for the shared booking by 27.01.19. I have included a link to a survey below. If you plan to participate in the shared booking, please complete this by Sunday the 27th. As with the last few meets, anyone is welcome to join later, but it may not be possible to accommodate you within the group booking. Let us know though, as we will try our best to include any late joiners if we can.


4muddyfeet and duurtlang have previously written up some good posts with further details. If you haven’t been involved in the prep up to now, have a flick through for all the details arranged up to now.
