Big news for my username.

I put down a deposit on a Volvo V70. The one with 500.000 kilometers on the clock. Mechanically it’s great, the interior is old and worn out. So the exact opposite of the Twingo, which has a fantastic interior but a shitty everythingelse.

Terrible pic, it’s blue, not green.
Terrible pic, it’s blue, not green.

So that means I’m putting the Twingo up for sale. It’s a sad thing for me, to be honest, I love that thing. It’s my first car! That canvas sunroof is the best thing ever. The seat fabric and pattern, too.

But hey, if the Volvo doesn’t grab me like the Twingo did, I’ll just sell it and buy another Twingo. Next time with a 16valve engine and no rust... Canvas roof is obligatory. Don’t worry, I’ll make a farewell post and bitch about it some more.


If all goes well, within weeks I’ll be sitting in comfy heated seats with the AC on and a nice sounding 5 cyl LPG luxxhzgury car.