I may have just made a big mistake.

Illustration for article titled I may have just made a big mistake.

First have a BMW i8 i saw in downtown Nashville after I quit a job I started at for a day and a quarter - to go to a company for a better position, better salary, better mission, better culture, and almost no commute.

Illustration for article titled I may have just made a big mistake.

I went to one of the Gawker sites: Fortress America. It appears to be a subblog regarding politics. This particular subblog begins with a snide and shitty self-entitled to a better life but it is now everyone else's fault that it hasn't happened for me demeanor. The author then chooses to broad stroke many of the issues being voted on today int he midterm elections.

Disclosure: I am a very financially conservative, socially independent minded individual who constantly seeks new knowledge and experiences, but I am primarily focused on being a responsible adult in most aspects of my life.


So, I read his post regarding all the issues, representatives and governors being voted upon today. I took as much of his snarky hateful, un-American comments as my stomach could handle until I reached a segment upon which I happen to know a great deal about: Abortion.

Cue the laughter about someone posting against an original author on the internet about abortion. Anyway, I replied in a 100% fact based comment focused solely upon reason vice emotion. I outlined why there was an amendment to the Tennessee constitution regarding the issue, what events since the last amendment have changed things, and why it is important to not view this amendment as "Conservatives still looking to be masters of the uterus are trying out dumb measures in three states".


If it is one thing I hate in this world, it's stancing (haha), but seriously, it is uninformed individuals using their bias and lack of knowledge on an issue to apply stereotypes and negative emotions from the populace.

Also on the vote is the potential removal of state inspections or rather representatives who deem them illegal and "plan" to remove them from state law, so there is your automotive tie-in.


TL:DR = I posted a reply comment about politics on a liberal writers post regarding current abortion amendments.