
Walked to the grocery store after work in Lunenburg and saw this when walking to and from my car.....ummm...

Illustration for article titled Oops!

If you can’t tell, these are those angled parking spaces in a very large lot and that is a 9th gen Honda Civic sedan pretty much in the middle of a lane. I thought that surely this couldn’t be somebody who is SO bad at parking they had no idea they were not inside the lines and halfway across the driving lane in between rows of spaces. I was right! They WEREN’T so bad at parking they didn’t know they weren’t inside the lines....

...they were so bad at parking that the car is a stick-shift and they forget to set the parking brake or have it in the appropriate gear so it wouldn’t roll away. There is a SLIGHT downhill slope to the right and the car was in first gear...they are just damn lucky it didn’t end up rolling in somebody’s car in the rows to the right...