I think Spring is finally here!

A little chilly, but a very nice day....definitely makes me think Spring is on the way here! ....or at minimum, the calm before the storm as we are expecting strong winds and 70mm of rain tomorrow....

....IN ANY CASE, I decided to take a few small detours on the way home from school while running errands in Lunenburg today and stopped at a little park on the water in Lunenburg’s Back Harbour called Sawpit Park. It’s a small place, but pretty pleasant on this blustery sunny day!

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Illustration for article titled I think Spring is finally here!

I sat on the bench in the background for awhile and just enjoyed a few minutes of peace and quiet before snapping a panorama and heading on my way into town.

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After I finished running my errands, I made a Miss Mercedes spot - a new Smart in a very nice shade of brown!

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And stopped at the lookoff across from the OTHER side of town (Lunenburg is on a peninsula with both a front and back harbour) for a quick snap. The Front Harbour water’s edge of the town is filled with docks for fishing trawlers, the docks and vessels of the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic (the bright red buildings at left below) and shipbuilding/ship repair company docks at the far right. A few famous ships call and have called Lunenburg home, like the Bluenose and her current descendant, the Bluenose II. The tall ships Picton Castle uses Lunenburg as her home port for worldwide excursions and the replica of the Bounty used in the 1960's for the movie of the same name (which was sadly lost in a storm in 2012 with some loss of life) was built here and was here often.

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The ‘Sawpit Park’ I was at is the little dock at the mid-right sticking upwards out into the water and the shot below was taken at the usual ‘tourist’ lookoff across Lunenburg Harbour from Lunenburg, which is at the bottom-left near where it says ‘Beach Rd’. :)

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All and all, a pleasant drive home! Doesn’t matter what you drive...just enjoy the journey! :)