Weird day today Oppo...

1. Dorian hits us today as a Category 2 Hurricane...not as bad as it was for those of you down south, but it won’t be pretty...

2. One of my best friends’ fiances just had fraternal twins last night (a boy and a girl), so that immediately just feels weird (partially because I am a fraternal twin!) as the rest of them have girlfriends, fiances or wives, several also with kids, and I am still by myself...a tad depressing.

3. I was given a laptop to repair last older but still perfectly usable Intel Core i3 Acer model. It has ONE speaker in it....ONE!!! What laptop manufacturer only puts one speaker in a budget laptop these days??? Also, even more stupid...IT ONLY OUTPUTS THE LEFT CHANNEL. SO if you’re listening to anything in stereo online, even with only one speaker, you’d think it would output in mono so you’d hear both channels, but NO, it only outputs the left channel....W...T...F.....who made these design decisions??? They even had to put a help article on their support website because so many people complained/asked about it...

4. Here’s an....interesting...VW Jetta I saw in Lunenburg yesterday!

Illustration for article titled Weird day today Oppo...
Illustration for article titled Weird day today Oppo...