Passing the time...

I’ve been trying to find something to keep myself occupied and to maybe make a tiny bit of money on the side during this Pandemic lockdown (schools are closed until the fall here with work online...which means no call for substitute teachers like me :( ). I’m on the Canadian government CERB benefit until the first week of July, so that’s a help...

That being said, I downloaded Inkscape on my Linux laptop and Windows desktop and started trying to do some art of quirky cars with the idea I could maybe sell it through RedBubble or something. I’m pretty tech-savvy and know my way around Photoshop fairly well (I have CS4 on my Win10 desktop), but am not super artistic....this is a problem.

The most I managed to accomplish with Inkscape towards my car art was some pretty decent wheels for a Trabant using a reference image....but trying to do the body and more intimate details may be beyond my skill level...I am just no good with shading and depth and all that stuff as I have never had any art training nor was I ever very good at it! :(

My chosen reference image...
My chosen reference image...
My reference image with the wheels I created in overlay...
My reference image with the wheels I created in overlay...

SOOOOOOOoooo.....I’ve decided to switch it up and start on a new theme idea for some car art. Gauge clusters from interesting cars with their model designation and common nickname underneath!

My first attempt I started with tonight is for the classic FIAT 500 (surprise surprise!). I started on the cluster art and thought about what would go underneath. The 500 was colloquially known as the ‘Bambino’ in a lot of places and the cluster I am using as a reference was the awesome little jewel of a little round hooded speedo that was used in 500D, 500F and 500R. In my case, my reference image came from the 500F, so I would use its model designation and therefore would write something like: Tipo 110F - ‘Bambino’

My reference image:

Illustration for article titled Passing the time...

And where I am at so far...

Illustration for article titled Passing the time...

Slowly but surely, I guess! I think it should turn out pretty well by the time I am done...this kind of simpler art I should be able to handle and it should still look nice when it’s done, I think! I’ve thought about other cars to do...probably the FIAT 126p, maybe the Trabant...a classic VW Beetle...maybe a classic Porsche 911...might try the classic FSO Polonez dash as its gridlines look is awesome!

Thoughts? Any other not-so-complex-my-meagre-art-skills-would-be-able-to-actually-handle-it gauge clusters you folks think might fit into my idea that you think I could pull off? :)