Humdrum is back!

After a prolonged near-week at my most local bodywork place (the expensive one that the insurance companies use...), Humdrum is back!

The rear hatch and rear-right wheel-well have been rust-repaired, repainted and undercoated to re-fix AGAIN what the guy screwed up last year....hopefully it will last longer than 9 months this time...

Also got the jacking points on the rockers behind the front wheels on either side bad rust at all, but surface rust, so I wanted to get them repainted to protect them from the coming winter salt.

Took some pics in front of one of Mahone Bay’s churches on the way home...she doesn’t stay this shiny and clean for long...I mean, I can see my reflection in that second-last pic, which is mind-blowing, haha! :)

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Illustration for article titled Humdrum is back!
Illustration for article titled Humdrum is back!
Illustration for article titled Humdrum is back!
Illustration for article titled Humdrum is back!

Now for the front rotors/pads to be replaced on Tuesday and I still have to figure out what I am doing with the front flex-pipe exhaust car failed safety inspection because of the brakes and that pipe at the local garage and they quoted me $860 to fix the brakes/exhaust, which seems really expensive. I found another garage to do the brakes for like...less than $100, and whereas the exhaust is only 6 bolts and an O2 sensor to unplug/replug (and 2 of those bolts are just to remove a heatshield that needs to be out of the way to replace the pipe), I can’t see replacing that pipe taking the 3 hours the local garage claimed it would...

Contemplating ordering the part and trying it in my driveway as I have ramps and the exhaust section I need is on Ebay from a Canadian-made company for $77 plus tax with free shipping. I would need to order the exhaust gaskets as well, but I can’t think it would be too hard to do?

Pardon my ignorance, but If I were to try it on my own, I am guessing I would need some sort of threadlocker when putting the bolts back in...what kind of stuff would I need?