RallyDarkstrike RedBubble Art Dash/Gauges Thing #3 - COMPLETE!

BIZAM! Here be #3 in my series!

Continuing the theme of going with classic cars with simplistic gauges for my first few, I went with the legendary Trabant P601! But not just ANY Trabant, I went with the P601S....S for “Sonderwunsch”, i.e. Special! The ‘S’ came with such advanced features as front FOG LIGHTS, an ODOMETER, or an LED Fuel Economy meter thinger (on the right)! SUCH LUXURY!

Illustration for article titled RallyDarkstrike RedBubble Art Dash/Gauges Thing #3 - COMPLETE!

I think I need to find a better font for the model / nickname, but I can’t find any similar at all to the original Trabant branding script...

I’m done this one, but it sortof feels incomplete to me...the Trabant gauges sortof stretch over a section of the dash unlike the 500 or 2CV where they were sortof more..concentrated? I could put some sort of background behind them, I guess, but I do kindof like them ‘floating’ there as they are what you would be focused on when driving the car anyway. :)

Reference image:

Illustration for article titled RallyDarkstrike RedBubble Art Dash/Gauges Thing #3 - COMPLETE!

2 more to go...not sure what I’ll do next!