#5 of RallyDarkstrike's RedBubble Art Gauges/Cluster Thing Series is finished!

This time I went with another classic French ‘People’s Car’...the Renault 4! Rival to Citroen’s famed 2CV and arguably one of the first true ‘hatchbacks’! :)

Specifically I went for the later ‘80s (1983+) R4 cluster....it’s surprisingly hard to find high-def decent reference pictures for this one! 0_o

At any rate, here’s the finished product!

Illustration for article titled #5 of RallyDarkstrikes RedBubble Art Gauges/Cluster Thing Series is finished!
Image: Me

Reference pics:

Illustration for article titled #5 of RallyDarkstrikes RedBubble Art Gauges/Cluster Thing Series is finished!
Photo: News Danciennes
Illustration for article titled #5 of RallyDarkstrikes RedBubble Art Gauges/Cluster Thing Series is finished!
Photo: Google Images

According to RedBubble you need to upload 5 designs before your store goes online, so this means people can buy stuff now! I don’t expect you guys to buy anything (hopefully nobody has taken my posts that way!) and I’m not expecting to sell much, but even a little here and there from random folks wandering onto my designs is a little extra coin in my pocket every so often! :)

It’s mostly doing it and posting them just for fun, to more learn image-editing skills and to learn how to use Inkscape! More designs will be added over time, but I have no idea what #6 will be yet....still thinking of doing a Classic Mini at some point, and something classic and American...maybe something else British as well, like the Anglia that fellow Opponaut Who Is The Leader has suggested. :)