Re-post - Gas overflow issue?

Hey some of you may recall, I had my gas tank replaced back in March because of rust.

All has been well, but pretty much EVERY time I fill up at any gas station, the fuel filler starts to overflow gas even before the pump has clicked off to tell me the tank is full. It usually ‘burps’ gas out for 5-10 seconds after it overflows, which, of course runs down the side of my car and all over the ground, making a mess.

This is clearly not normal as it didn’t do this before the tank was replaced...

The garage claims the only thing they changed was the tank and all my other components are the same. Maybe so, but that doesn’t change the fact this is happening now and never had happened before...and it’s a bit stupid to not be able to fill my brand new gas tank to full because it overflows...

Does anybody have any idea what might be going on here? Some issue with a pinched EVAP hose or a bad EVAP canister or...? I don’t know enough about the fuel venting/EVAP, etc system to really diagnose on my own, so hoping somebody here might have some thoughts.

There are no check engine lights and the car seems to run fine. I don’t notice any leaks when the car is parked or anything, it just simply overflows when I fill it before the pump even clicks off normally. Filling the car works normally’s not a situation where the pump clicks off constantly.

So either it’s overflowing before the pump would NORMALLY click off, so it never does....or the system that CAUSES the pump to click off isn’t working so I overfill it...?

Cheers for any suggestions or info!:)
