Man, people can be jerks...

I was responding to a comment on the FP on David’s article about buying a Trabant because, you know, I kindof love Trabants...

Legitimately....did I say anything in my first comment in a way that could be construed as rude...? 0_o

I thought I was pretty polite? I didn’t call him an idiot or say, ‘No, you’re wrong’....I was just pointing out a legitimate point about a rare car a lot of people assume was COMPLETELY made of a material when it wasn’t?

Illustration for article titled Man, people can be jerks...
Image: me
Illustration for article titled Man, people can be jerks...
Image: me

I’m not trying to be sarcastic...did I legitimately say something rude....? I didn’t think I did...? What crawled up this guy’s butt?

Hope you’re all having a good night Oppo!