It's that time again where I pester you with my Car Art stuff!

I started a new, second design series awhile back that I’m calling ‘Night Cruise’ to go along with my car gauge cluster series. I’ve now done two in the ‘Night Cruise Series’ so far!

I can’t remember if I posted the first in the series here, but I can’t seem to find any record of posting about it on my profile that I can recall. The first was a design I did back in mid-August as an homage to UK Youtuber Miller Corner’s ‘Super Seicento’ - his beloved little FIAT Seicento Sporting that he’s modded up, re-engined, totaled in an accident in Germany, dragged home, re-shelled, modded some more and taken on a multitude of cool adventures (like driving it all the way to Poland and back twice [...ish]).

Illustration for article titled Its that time again where I pester you with my Car Art stuff!
Image: Me
Photo: Joe Miller (Other)

The second one in the series is not really an homage in anything in particular, but started when I saw a FIAT 127 in a beautiful factory shade of light blue. It was a Mk. 1 FIAT 127, so 1971-1977. I decided I wanted to do a ‘Night Cruise’ design on it because I thought the color would look very nice with the black I use for the series, and I think I was right...the contrast looks very awesome to me! Personally, I think this one came out a lot better than my first design as I added a few more details to this one. :D

Photo: Google Images
Image: Me

I only just started AND completed the above second FIAT 127 one this morning as I had some free time to kill, so up on RedBubble it goes! :)

Now to figure out what to do as #3 sometime...

OH! I also re-added textless versions of all my gauge cluster designs to my RedBubble too as a few fellow Oppos and some folks on Twitter had mentioned some people may not like them with the text. :)