Senna diagnosis: knows me quite well, has excellent taste.

The copy of Gallery 5 is particularly timely, because my copy is falling apart. I’ve also been doing a bunch of reading on polar and northwest passage expeditions, but had forgotten Palin’s Erebus existed.


Highlights of the books: “This could be the chief”, “Todd’s stomach vs. Todd’s imagination”, and some very nice color plates.


Action shot of Rover and Ford on reproduction Winchester shotgun:


I had just been breaking it in.

Other action shot of Ford with 1:35 scale light tank, pewter gnome mini, and .45 cartridge for scale:


The Ford is actually painted like one belonging to a lady I know, though her ‘57 is a Crown Victoria deluxe tudor sedan, not a 500 Victoria Hardtop.

Anyway, many thanks to the Terrance and/or Philip responsible.