Vegas was hot

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It should go without saying that Las Vegas is hot this time of the year. Well I have working AC in the Subaru so I figured it would be all good. The drive out there was pleasant since we left around 515am and got there before the surface of the sun showed up on the strip. After a long day of walking around enjoying the sights and people watching, we got back in the car to head to our airbnb. Temp indicator showed 100 inside the parking garage and it climbed as we drove out into the desert. AC cranked on full just couldn’t beat the sun. Granted, it was comfortable but I like to freeze to death in the car. If I can feel my fingers, it’s not cold enough. Probably the issue is a mixture of 12 year old air conditioning and fighting intense direct sun. It was plenty cold when the sun went away, even though it was still around 90 outside.


My solution? I need ceramic tints, Pronto! I could probably do a pressure test on the AC as well but honestly intense sun may just be my main issue. I don’t plan on driving into the desert often but even at home in LA, there can be some stupid hot days.

I didn’t really take any pictures but man Vegas was a really cool place. It’s just fascinating to see all of the crazy stuff going on and wander around just taking it in. Could not for the life of me comprehend why people do the whole club scene thing there so I think I’ve already entered the “get off my lawn” life phase. But anyways, fun times but glad to be home.