I have joined The Queue!

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I am currently on a holiday (gotta speak proper posh over here) to the UK and for the last day in London, my girlfriend and I have gone to the first day of Wimbledon. For those of you not familiar with tennis, Wimbledon is the annual SO BRITISH tennis tournament that takes place at the All England Lawn Tennis Club in London. Part of the tradition is queueing up all day (or all weekend) in order to get into the event without an advance purchase ticket. If you want a ticket into one of the main courts where the big names play, you have to camp out overnight for one of the ~500 tickets available for each court. But if you just want onto the grounds to sit at courts 3-17 or just watch on the screens outside, you wait for many hours the day of. There’s also chances to get into the main courts once you get in in between games but that is going to be a luck thing. Either way, I will enjoy the lovely weather and chat with those in the queue. It’s certainly a great way to learn the local British way.


The funny part is my girlfriend managed to get a ticket online through their website so she is inside at center court now! So eventually I’ll get in there and enjoy the event. Here’s some pictures she sent me from inside:

Illustration for article titled I have joined The Queue!
Illustration for article titled I have joined The Queue!
Illustration for article titled I have joined The Queue!

And now that it’s been about 2 hours in the queue, I just got a free donut!

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