Cars being "improperly used" thread

Illustration for article titled Cars being improperly used thread

Obviously, I dont mean “improperly” by Oppo standards. I am just referring to “normal” people standards out there in the real world. I havent seen my Miata in a couple of weeks now so I was looking at some pictures to reminisce. Then I realized how many times I have taken that car down a dirt road because “why not??” and that this is a defining aspect of why I enjoy that stupid car. So, post your pictures of your cars being used “improperly”.

Illustration for article titled Cars being improperly used thread
Illustration for article titled Cars being improperly used thread
Illustration for article titled Cars being improperly used thread
Illustration for article titled Cars being improperly used thread
Illustration for article titled Cars being improperly used thread
Oppo meet in the snow
Oppo meet in the snow
Illustration for article titled Cars being improperly used thread
God damn, i forgot i had these rice as fuck wheels...
God damn, i forgot i had these rice as fuck wheels...
Illustration for article titled Cars being improperly used thread
Illustration for article titled Cars being improperly used thread
Illustration for article titled Cars being improperly used thread