July in California

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Quite the white ribbon of death, but the snow was quite nice and the cloud cover kept things from getting too slushy. Overall it was a beautiful day in the mountains though. Summer time in the Sierras is just super lovely. Unfortunately, the weekend went to shit though when my friend (pictured above) took a bad fall and we ended up at the hospital.


Get ready for a gnarly xray!

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We were supposed to camp another night but I ended up being tasked with driving us home after finally getting released from the hospital. At least I got to drive a manual golf alltrack and then be able to make it to the Oppo meet in Fresno for the rest of the weekend.

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Yes that number says 112F. Sure it wasn’t actually that warm, but leaving the car out in the sun for lunch resulted in this. It was definitely over 100 though this weekend. Very glad I have AC! Just very funny to me that I went skiing and saw weather this hot in the same weekend.

Illustration for article titled July in California
Illustration for article titled July in California
Illustration for article titled July in California

Lovely meetup though and IM is a great host. He fed us well, kept us entertained, and showed us that Fresno really isn’t that bad! We at least can consider it not the armpit of California.

Quite the adventure and fast paced change of plans though! I thought id be mountain biking of something else but this surely works too. Looking forward to coming back another time when it’s cooler weather for sure.

Illustration for article titled July in California
Illustration for article titled July in California
Illustration for article titled July in California
Illustration for article titled July in California