Florida hasn't killed me yet

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I have survived my first week so far in Florida. It somehow hasnt rained this entire time which is weird (I have jynxed myself with 7 hurricanes in the next week). But the last time I came to this state, there was rain hard enough to result in standing water on the freeway in about a minute. So its certainly different and not really that humid either (~50% during the day for the most part). This past weekend (only had a one day weekend due to work) I went on a little adventure which included some disc golf, a nice uncrowded beach, and a Naval aviation museum).

Illustration for article titled Florida hasnt killed me yet
Illustration for article titled Florida hasnt killed me yet

I drove out to Navarre and checked out the Gulf Islands National Seashore, going well beyond all of the fancy hotels and expensive looking homes all built on 10+ foot stilts. Seems like they are prepared for hurricane season there! I was especially surprised at how large the waves were and how white the sand was. A very nice afternoon even though I lost my sunglasses in the surf like an idiot. Thankfully I buy cheapos and I have a backup with me, but now I have to be a plebian with unpolarized lenses. Anyways, after the beach was the Pensacola National Naval Aviation museum. Cool place, lots of planes to gawk at, and best of all it was totally free! I see enough of this stuff at work all day but its still cool to check out the historical stuff and just a nice way to spend a couple hours wandering around.

Illustration for article titled Florida hasnt killed me yet
Illustration for article titled Florida hasnt killed me yet

I thought it was especially neat that they had an F-16N there, which at first confused me since I was like HEY, F-16 isnt navy!! Then I recalled that there is an aggressor training squadron that uses these and sure enough the sign inside talked about a Top Gun exhibit (not the damn movie, the real thing) and that made sense considering the accompanying aircraft. I’ve met a couple of the guys from that squadron and they seem like they have a pretty sweet gig.


Short weekend but at least I got out, exercised a little bit, enjoyed some beach time, and saw the area for a day. I should have an actual two day weekend coming up since work seems on schedule now. So more florida adventuring to come. My phone STILL hasnt arrived so I am soon to be filing for a refund most likely. Seller seems to be convinced it actually shipped even though guaranteed delivery was yesterday and it still shows the item hasnt been scanned picked up by USPS. Found a few reviews noting “fast and free” ended up taking two weeks, even though the seller has overall 98.8% positive feedback with a few thousand orders this year and many more since 2004. So its probably not a scam but I cant wait forever for a damn phone. I went to Walmart today and just picked up a cheap $40 burner so that I have something.

Illustration for article titled Florida hasnt killed me yet

Funny enough its an LG, same brand as the one I have purchased but obviously a much cheaper model in every regard. However, its much better than my old phone, even before it broke. For this price I am rather happy, SD slot, headphone jack, and seems to work decently. Crappy little camera but again, better than the other phone and its cheaper. Granted this is two years newer so Id sure hope this would be the case! I have 14 days to return the thing if my other one shows up miraculously. But I might keep it as a backup to avoid this problem in the future. No problems with the LG UI so Im sure the higher end G6 will only be an even better choice.

Oh also, saw an STi parked near me at the beach. Made me miss my car at home. My shitty rental can get a review I guess but its a forgettable silver nissan with a cvt and 40k miles. Notable other shitboxes my coworkers have been stuck with are a Nissan Versa sedan, Ford Fiesta sedan, and an Aveo sedan (must be an old ass rental).

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