Just put a deposit on a new place!

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I will officially be a resident of Malibu, CA next week and living out in the middle of nowhere where I can work on my cars to my hearts content and be living in a driving paradise full time. Just renting a room, I am not baller enough to afford to really live there. But at least for the short term I will be living the dream! This is just a sneak preview as I didnt take any photos of the place yet and google street view was done on a foggy day so that wont do it justice either. My commute is going to go from ~1hr down to 15 minutes and my price of rent is exactly the same. The gas savings alone though will make me rich, assuming I dont canyon carve all of my gas money away instead...


Its crazy I was just thinking about it and since I go through two tanks of gas per week (one per car generally) that is easily $100 a week at ~$4+ per gallon of 91. Meaning that is somewhere around $400-500 a month of gas! Even if I drive more on the weekends, its bound to at least cut in half which is a big chunk of coin.

Starting move in on Wednesday and looking forward to making some of y’all jealous with the photos! Here is a street view shot from 2012 since that one had sun:

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