Post work bike ride

Illustration for article titled Post work bike ride

Yesterday since I spent my day working outside, I had a yearning to get out into the hills and enjoy a bike ride before the sun set. I got everything done that I needed to around 5 so I drove down the street and set out on a nice ride through the valley in my front yard. This was the same area that I rode through a month ago on my very first ride with the bike. Now though, the grass had grown in so much more and I was also way more confident in the functionality of the bike.

Illustration for article titled Post work bike ride
Illustration for article titled Post work bike ride
Illustration for article titled Post work bike ride
Illustration for article titled Post work bike ride
Illustration for article titled Post work bike ride

And surprisingly this was another bike ride without breaking the bike! No chain popping off, no gear slipping, and no part failures. So it's finally seeming like I can just enjoy the bike instead of wondering what will break next. Still need to get a multitool and some tubes since it doesn't hurt to be prepared. But it's nice to just enjoy the bike rides now.