All the trails are closed so I went for a drive

Illustration for article titled All the trails are closed so I went for a drive

Thankfully there arent checkpoints or anything setup and technically I was going out to an essential business anyways (bike shop for some tire tubes). Lovely day for a simple drive around Newbury Park and Westlake and then back over the hill to Malibu. Still people trying to get out onto the trails despite the closures but all the power to the law breakers I guess! Very glad I got my hike in yesterday before the closure though.

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No wonder why I am still sore also, it was nearly 14 miles with 3500 feet of elevation gain in total. Awesome hike, cant wait to do it again some time when all this quarantine shit calms down.


Also, this cool rock i found on that hike:

Illustration for article titled All the trails are closed so I went for a drive
Illustration for article titled All the trails are closed so I went for a drive

Reminded me of Zion a bit when standing in there. Enjoy your weekends while I find some sedentary activities to do around the house.

Illustration for article titled All the trails are closed so I went for a drive