Old Man Mountain

Illustration for article titled Old Man Mountain

How fitting for my 29th birthday I went on an adventure where I hiked up Old Man Mountain. Now obviously many of you will laugh at me for saying I’m old and I’d probably agree, I certainly don’t feel old anyways. This was again in the Matilija Wilderness like last weekend but this time a bit cooler and much cloudier.


This time it was an 18 mile round trip hike with a total elevation gain of about 5300 feet, so a mile of up! That surely was a workout and I’m feeling it today. But the commanding views at the top and the total solitude out there made it all worth it.

Illustration for article titled Old Man Mountain
Illustration for article titled Old Man Mountain
Illustration for article titled Old Man Mountain

I did not see a soul at all on this hike so I was happy. It was a Friday so I’m not that surprised. When I got back to the car though there was a group of 20 kids hiking together which just had me shaking my head. After the hike I experienced the grocery stores with the lines to get in, the required masks, and people trying their best to avoid others. The one plus of the lines though was everything seemed much better stocked. I got everything I needed from both Costco and Ralphs, it just took longer than usual.

Illustration for article titled Old Man Mountain

The last bit up to the peak was a scramble without a trail but it’s definitely a real route considering the pole and the visitor log at the top. Seemed like a cool spot for lunch and if it were clearer, I’d catch an ocean view as well.

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Enjoyable day and now time to relax through the weekend and enjoy the spring green around me. Went on a drive Saturday afternoon and making an apple pie from scratch later.

Illustration for article titled Old Man Mountain
Illustration for article titled Old Man Mountain
Illustration for article titled Old Man Mountain

Happy weekend yall! One last view from home now that the sun is out:

Illustration for article titled Old Man Mountain