Did a hike and a bike ride

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Two days in a row this week I did an after work adventure on some trails which was great. First on Wednesday, I drove over to the trail head with a roommate and we did a solid 6 mile hike with 1200 feet of elevation gain. We didnt make it back before dark but considering we didnt start until about 1900, that made sense. The slightly overwhelming fear of being eaten by a mountain lion was certainly real. Considering quail flying out of trees had us jumpy the darkness definitely gets you like that. But I had a head lamp and it wasnt middle of the night dark yet, so it was fine.

Illustration for article titled Did a hike and a bike ride

Then on Thursday I took it even further and biked back to the same spot straight from the house. Since it was such a mild hike, I needed more! So I went out and did a 13 mile ride with 2200 feet of elevation gain. This was a much more downhill heavy route but with the 1400 foot climb at the end in just over 2 miles. It was also WAY more overgrown where I was mowing the trail up to the handlebars at points. But it was fun and I didnt die, so a good ride!

Illustration for article titled Did a hike and a bike ride

That hill at the end was a damn beast though after the not so easy downhill jam. I had biked 10 miles up to that point so I was a bit tired, not to mention having worked all day to begin with. Granted I do NO physical labor at work so I always have pent up energy to go burn off anyways. Lovely sunset as I finished the climb and even had a few passerybys cheer me on up the hill. It looks as difficult as it is so no wonder people are perplexed as to why anyone would do it.


It is great to have access to such challenging hikes/rides without even having to drive anywhere! I wont be able to live here forever so I need to continue to enjoy it while I can. Now its time for a 3 day weekend of more of the same. Hopefully things dont get too busy around here considering the holiday. But Ill get an early start each day and make the best of it.