My weekend and a Message

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I feel wrong going about my normal life right now. I’d like to be helping the cause somehow, especially as a white person. I’m born with privilege and silence is not acceptable. But I’m spending some time to research what I can do and checking in with people who I know are affected by this. With that said, I’ll still post about my weekend adventures away from the crazy world. Come along with the story for a second before heading back to the grind.

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Friday was a nice long bike ride, taking on another section of the Backbone trail. Quite foggy but very good biking weather since it was nice and cool. That ride inspired me to set a goal to section travel the entire trail in order at some point. Whether it be hiking or biking some sections, I want to complete the full 70 mile trail. It doesn’t have the infrastructure for thru hiking but section hiking is plenty doable.

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Then on Saturday I took things easy and went on a driving adventure with a couple of oppos. We did an easy ride up Encinal Canyon and then made the full drive of Yerba Buena Rd with its epic panoramic views of the Pacific. This is a big downhill once cresting over the top with enough turns to remind me of the tail of the Dragon. The road had been recently paved and after the hiking parking lots, was traffic free all the way to the ocean.

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Illustration for article titled My weekend and a Message

A lovely day to be out enjoying the weather and a nice drive with people at a safe distance. Since we started early, the day was not quite done though. Took a nice nap after a homemade pizza for lunch and then went out for a hike. I decided to head to the western start of the backbone trail and hike La Jolla Canyon via the Ray Miller Backbone trail before sunset.

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Illustration for article titled My weekend and a Message
Illustration for article titled My weekend and a Message

It was a relatively mild hike but given that I started at just after 4pm and still ended up doing about 9 miles, it was a race to get back to the car and get home before dark. Epic coastal views the whole way so it’s no wonder that it’s a popular hike. Felt kind of stupid going there on a Saturday with the virus still out there but thankfully at least everybody was in masks that I came across. Plus I didn’t see a soul after the first couple miles which is always my goal and means I’ve gone the right way.


Next up was a late start to Sunday. I got out of the house around 11 and drove down to Zuma beach to go body boarding. Well it was a crowded mess there so I nixed that idea and went for a drive on Encinal again. While I don’t have the tires on the miata yet, it was great fun in the STi for a Sunday cruise. I eventually ended up back near deer Creek and found a lovely empty beach with nice mild waves and a Sandy beach. Had a great time for an hour on the boogie board and the water was nice in my wetsuit. Fucking nuts people who go out in just a bathing suit. The Pacific is cold all year round around here! Anyways, the day wasn’t over yet though because next up was another bike ride.

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I went on a 15 mile ride to include the Guadalesco trail which I’ve posted about before. It’s a real mountain ride with technical, slippery rocks and ruts and really tests me out the whole way up. And then the way down is slightly less rocky and way less steep but at speed, is still quite the challenge. A couple of uphill climbs after the technical downhill followed by the final fire road cruise with many of the same sweeping ocean views from the hike the day prior. Ending back at the car as the sun was setting and the waves crashing was a great way to end the weekend. And importantly, a message after my last photo.

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To my fellow Oppos out there facing the injustice and oppression every day I hope that you know my thoughts go out to you! Not just now because of current events but always. I’m not one for politics and divisive issues but inequality towards blacks and any other minorities isn’t and shouldn’t be political nor acceptable. It’s a human rights issue that really doesn’t have sides. Everyone deserves justice in this world. Please be safe out there and remember to vote in November, no matter what your choices are.