Sunday living

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This weekend started out with a 14 mile hike on Friday, continuing my section hike of the Backbone trail but I’ll talk about that in another post. Later in the day I went for a swim and f’d up my knee and a toe pretty bad on some rocks. So I canceled my plans of continuing my hike Saturday and Sunday and took it easy instead. Did some shopping and projects at home Saturday and after cleaning on Sunday, finally got around to some cooking and some adventuring.

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Sunday lunch consisted of some leftover Costco rotisserie chicken, cut up honeycrisp apple with peanut butter, and strawberries. Delicious and a good pre bike ride snack!

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And so off I went to sycamore Canyon for a late afternoon ride, hoping like hell my knee wouldn’t bother me too much. Thankfully I made it through with only a dull pain on the toughest of climbs. I found it to be good physical therapy anyways. Here is a video of someone taking the downhill ride that I did with much more poise:

Then after getting home and relaxing a while, I got to making dinner. I bought some dry rub ribs from Costco and put them on the grill on low wrapped in foil on a pan. Had them cook at 300F for about an hour and then placed them on the grill with BBQ sauce for another ten minutes to finish them off. They came out excellent!

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And finally a sunset out in the front yard to close out the day.

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I will be resting up and hoping to hike 20-30 miles next weekend. Gotta make up for lost time but no rush since further injury would be a bad thing.

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