Weekend Adventures

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What an excellent weekend! Thanks to the fourth of July weekend coming up I have three 3-day weekends in a row so I’m going to live them all up. Here is how this one went.


Friday was my final hike of the Backbone Trail:


Saturday was some car work:


And Sunday was some bicycle work followed by an excellent ride:

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 I started Sunday morning off attempting to do a tubeless conversion on my bike but I gave up after an hour of struggling to get it to seal after already spending an hour getting it set up. I abandoned that task and just greased my chain and finished installing the new tire with the old tube. The chain lube worked amazingly, completely eliminating all of my problem sounds and the annoying chain suck. I’m quite impressed actually that it made that much of a difference. Anyways, after getting the bike ready and letting the lube settle in according to directions for a few hours, I went out for a ride!

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My ride took about 2.5 hours and went through a super overgrown area as I tend to always end up in. It was lovely overcast/foggy weather for biking so I took advantage of it going up a steep hill and down through a technical valley. The new tire worked great! Plus the chain lube meant no more chain suck. It was like a whole new bike.

Illustration for article titled Weekend Adventures
Illustration for article titled Weekend Adventures
Illustration for article titled Weekend Adventures

Till the next adventure!