July 3rd, 2020

This is my photo you damn kinja
This is my photo you damn kinja
Image: ME

The reason why the date is significant with this photo is because this is a picture of one of the most crowded beaches in my area. It is the only beach in the area where you can legally have nice bbq grill fires and its got a lovely beach with an easily accessible parking lot. Last weekend it looked more like this:

Illustration for article titled July 3rd, 2020
Image: no idea

So thanks to Covid, the beaches are closed through the holiday weekend. I find the silver lining in this though to be that I get to enjoy the area all to myself instead. Fewer people out on the road, the trails are still open but now there is nowhere to park, and I can enjoy a bike ride along the beach without people in the way.

Illustration for article titled July 3rd, 2020
Image: ME

Went for a nice ride through Serrano valley, enjoying the downhill jam mixed in with random intense uphill climbs. Always a beautiful day for riding here in Malibu!