Friday Night TACOS

Illustration for article titled Friday Night TACOS
Image: Wwd

Today’s dinner cooking consisted of some tacos. Ground turkey, onion, tomato, avocado, refried beans, fresh cilantro, and a bit of stubbs BBQ sauce along with copious red pepper flakes, black pepper, garlic powder, and some salt.

Illustration for article titled Friday Night TACOS
Image: Wwd

I didn’t use much of the meat, actually went really light on that since these were more about the vegetables. But that’s okay, that means I can make more of these tomorrow!


Time for the weekend. Hoping to get out for some more snorkeling since I finally did some swimming with the fins, goggles, and snorkel. Still a total novice at finned swimming but I have a better idea now after watching some videos. Also enjoy these videos I came across in my YouTube suggestions: