The New Me

Illustration for article titled The New Me
Photo: me

My dearest Opponauts,

I hereby notify yon denizens of OppositeLock, LALD, et al that in order to better line up with... stuff and also because I no longer believe in using anything resembling a name on these unsavory webs, I am #rebranding. Thus, the occasional automotive enthusiast, sometime spicy Beetle aficionado, and raccoon antagonist heretofore called TFritsch shall henceforth be known as...



Going forward, as a matter of policy, RallyWrench would like it known that all raccoons can get fucked. This is non-negotiable. Rallywrench also wishes to fire the heavy darkness of depression straight into the goddamn sun. Also, it is RallyWrench’s general belief that bicycles are better than cars and people, but when he enjoys people, it is only in the context of bicycles and cars. That said, RallyWrench is not entirely sure why he likes cars at the moment, and wishes to admit that he harbors impure thoughts of giving up and selling everything because there is never time or money and rarely motivation, interest, or justification for such things these days. Concurrently, RallyWrench admits that a 15 year old Tacoma and perhaps a Civic Si would suit his purposes of vision quests in the mountains and schlepping to work Just Fine until he dies of boredom and apathy.


To summarize, RallyWrench likes pizza and beer and bicycles and clean air and water and mountains and music and you guys and sometimes when the wind is just right and the sound of a lone engine sings in the wind, he remembers wistfully what it was like to love cars with his whole being and wonders what might have been, where it went. He knows the answer, is the answer. In this moment of this fucking endless year, RallyWrench dreams of nothing greater than restoring broken body and mind, to be physically and mentally able to achieve joy. To bear a backpack, don boots & flannel and get the fuck lost in the Sierra Nevadas somewhere for awhile. Nothing more than moving through nature, sitting on rocks near clear rivers, under a billion stars, making peace with his own mind. But mostly, Rallywrench greets you anew, wishes you balance and peace, hopes for your health and well-being, and looks forward to seeing you around.

Illustration for article titled The New Me
Photo: me